Home Saving Your Search Results to an Item List

Once you have the list of Items you require, you can save this list as a named Item List which can become the basis for further research. For example, you might go on to do a concordance search within your Item List or send your Item List for analysis using Galaxy / Alveo or Emu/R.

You can build an Item List from a single search or add to it incrementally from different searches.

Item Lists can also be shared with other Alveo users.

Saving the Entire List

Click on Add All to List to save your displayed Items to an Item List. A dropdown menu is displayed to allow you to select the whether you want to create a new Item List or append these Items to an existing one.

Saving an Item List

Selecting Just the Items You Want to Save

If you don’t want all of the displayed Items in your saved Item List, select the ones you require.

Selecting Items for Your List

The dropdown menus which appear when you click Add Selected to List or Add All to List are the same.