Home Using and Saving Your Search History

Every time you search for Items using the Discover tab on the Navigation Bar, Alveo records the search parameters you have used. It does not store the search results, just the search parameters. (You save the search results by using Item Lists – see Saving Your Search Results to an Item List.)

Alveo maintains two search lists…

HistoryAll searches you perform are kept in the History. This History is cleared when you log off, so it is always empty when you log in. (Your Alveo session timing out does not clear the History.)
Saved SearchesYou can elect to save particular search parameters so that they will be available in your future Alveo sessions. These search parameters will remain available until you delete them from your Saved Searches list. Search parameters saved in this list cannot be shared with other Alveo users.

Saving a search is very different from saving the search results as an Item List.When you save a search, the search parameters are saved and you can re-run and refine the search producing an updated list of Items. The search results may change if the data Collections available in Alveo change. Saved searches cannot be shared with other Alveo users. When you save the search results, the Item List which results is fixed and doesn’t change. Only Item Lists can be used for operating on Alveo data and only Item Lists can be shared with other Alveo users.

You can take advantage of this recorded search History and your Saved Searches…

    • to repeat searches at a time when you have access to more Collections
      • to redo the search so you can refine it further by adding further search conditions
      • to redo the search, but changing one of the parameters to produce a related but different search

To View Your Search History for This Session…

  • Click on your email address at the right hand end of the Alveo Navigation Bar.
  • Click on History in the dropdown menu. A list of your searches for this Alveo session will appear, as shown below.


    • Only the searches you have done appear on this list. Each user has their own separate search history, which cannot be shared.
      • You can see from the above list, that as you refine a search, the steps along the way are added to this search history.
      • The most recent searches appear at the top of the list.
      • There is no way to remove just one Search from the History.

To View Just the Searches You Have Saved…

  • Click on your email address at the right hand end of the Alveo Navigation Bar.
  • Click on Saved Searches from the dropdown menu. A list of your Saved Searches will appear, as shown below.
